Taken From Me: The Tiffany Rubin Story

Tiffany Rubin flies to South Korea to reunite with her kidnapped son.

About the Movie

Based on the true story of Tiffany Rubin’s daring rescue of her 7-year-old son, Kobe, who was abducted by his biological father and taken from his home in Queens, New York to Seoul, South Korea. With the help Mark Miller of The Association for Lost Children, Tiffany, a middle-class African American elementary school teacher, was able to fly to Korea to execute a high-stakes plan to bring her boy home. She wore a simple wig, and covered herself in white makeup to blend in, then boldly walked into the South Korean school Kobe was attending. Despite the disguise, her son recognized her instantly, and together they calmly slipped out of the school. They raced to the US Embassy, where officials arranged for their passports but were unable to guarantee safe passage. Taraji P. Henson, Terry O’Quinn, Beverly Todd, David Haydn-Jones and Drew Davis star. (2010)

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