Dr. Veronica West has it all: a successful psychology practice, a hit self-help book, nationwide book signings, and a hot guy, Jackson Connors, who'd marry her if she'd just say yes.

About the Movie

Dr. Veronica West has it all: a successful psychology practice, a hit self-help book, nationwide book signings, and a hot guy, Jackson Connors, who’d marry her if she’d just say yes. But Veronica can’t. She’s still dealing with trauma: before Jackson, she had a passionate relationship with troubled former patient Mathew Thomas. When Veronica broke things off, Mathew went into a deep depression, got drunk, and drove his car into a tree, killing himself. Veronica has spent the last year keeping it all secret, grateful no one else knows the real reason Mathew became depressed–or so she thinks. Jessica Morris, Taylor Castro, Jason Tobias star. (2023)

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