Kristin feels like she's going nowhere in life and knows she'd be happier if she could just find a way to stand up for herself and go after her dreams. She hires Ashley, a life coach who promises to help Kristin reach her full potential by eliminating toxic people from her life. A shocking discovery reveals that Ashley isn't who she says she is and when her unconventional methods start wreaking havoc, Kristin realizes the only toxic person she needs out of her life is Ashley. Danielle Baez, Alissa Filoramo star. (2022)

About the Movie

Kristin feels like she’s going nowhere in life and knows she’d be happier if she could just find a way to stand up for herself and go after her dreams. She hires Ashley, a life coach who promises to help Kristin reach her full potential by eliminating toxic people from her life. A shocking discovery reveals that Ashley isn’t who she says she is and when her unconventional methods start wreaking havoc, Kristin realizes the only toxic person she needs out of her life is Ashley. Danielle Baez, Alissa Filoramo star. (2022)

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