Buried Alive and Survived

Premieres Fri., Mar. 28 at 8/7c on LMN

Inspired by the true story of a woman who is buried alive by her ex.

About the Movie

Inspired by the true story of a woman who is buried alive by her ex and miraculously digs her way out before searching for her son who she fears may be next. When her ex-husband, Victor, is released from prison, Alicia knows she has to do whatever she can to keep him away from herself and their son, Malcom. Victor manages to find and confront Alicia, and demands they get back together. She refuses, and the next thing she knows, she’s underground with layers of dirt being piled on top of her by her abusive ex-husband. She’s facing her biggest fear: being buried alive. After heroically clawing her way out of the grave Victor thought she’d never escape, she starts her search for her son Malcom, who she knows isn’t safe as long as Victor is nearby and alive. Stars Eva Marcelle, Tyler Lepley, Jaeden White, Christie Laverette, Cocoa Brown (2024).

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