Boy in the Walls

Alisa has given up her Manhattan lifestyle for a quiet life in Connecticut.

About the Movie

Recently married Alisa Jensen (Ryan Michelle Bathe) has given up her vibrant Manhattan lifestyle for a quiet existence in rural Connecticut but struggling to adjust to her new role as a stepmother to Maya (Cassandra Sawtell) and Theo (Mikkal Karim-Fidler). Hoping this move can be a fresh start, Alisa finds herself cracking under the pressure with her husband Chris (Luke Camilleri) constantly away at work, limited job prospects, and a rebellious Maya to contend with. But when Alisa begins to hear strange noises in the house, she can’t shake the feeling that someone is always watching her. Alisa later makes a terrifying discovery of what is truly within the walls. Jonathan Whitesell stars as Joe, who is secretly watching Alisa and her family.

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