Candace and Kristen both have people in their lives that make them miserable.

About the Movie

Candace and Kristen both have people in their lives that are making them miserable. When these two strangers meet at yoga class, they strike up a friendly conversation that leads to a lunch where they soon open up to each other about their tormentors. Having recently lost her husband, Candace gripes about her overbearing and manipulative mother-in-law Iris who constantly undercuts Candace’s relationship with her sixteen-year-old daughter Avery. Kristen shares that her husband Nathan is emotionally and physically abusive. As they lament their situations over cocktails, the conversation takes a dark turn when Kristen suggests that the two new friends swap murders! After the lunch, Candace believes their conversation was just talk, but when Iris turns up dead, Kristen shows up demanding Candace make good on her end of the bargain. When Kristen kidnaps Avery, Candace might just do the unthinkable to save her daughter. Starring Kelsey McKean, Lauren Pike, and Nick Ritacco (2024).

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