Switch Therapy
Aired on Jul 07, 2015Four brave couples embark on a once-in-a-lifetime, radical experiment where they’ll switch spouses with a complete stranger and live within an experimental marriage for two full weeks.
Initial Attraction
Aired on Jul 14, 2015The switches have been made and the experimental married couples are getting to know each other while also navigating their new living quarters and sleeping arrangements.
Fantasies Fulfilled
Aired on Jul 21, 2015It’s the first week of the experiment and the couples are exploring each other’s passions, personalities and patience.
Road to Intimacy
Aired on Jul 28, 2015While away on a weekend getaway, the experimental married couples are faced with challenging situations that will force them to either open up or shut down emotionally.
Diving Deep
Aired on Aug 04, 2015Now that the experiment is almost half way through and the couples are invested emotionally, Dr. Jessica pays a visit to all of the experimental married couples in order to check in and give them some surprising news.
Facing Regret
Aired on Aug 11, 2015The experiment is coming to a close but before the couples are sent home, they’re faced with their biggest challenge yet.
Reunited with Reality
Aired on Aug 18, 2015The married couples are reunited back home and share their experiences, revelations and concerns with one another while trying not to fall back into their old routines.
Accepting the Truth
Aired on Aug 25, 2015Two weeks have passed since the married couples have reunited and now they’re challenged with the decision of whether they’ve made the right choice with their spouse or whether it’s time to part ways for forever.