Dan and Danielle, James and David, and Karli
Aired on Dec 01, 2008A romantic walk turns into a nightmare for two young friends when a man forces them into his truck at gunpoint while a snowmobile outing ends in a near-death experience for two brothers.
12 - Reverend Albert/Lois
Aired on Dec 08, 2008A heart-wrenching drama unfolds when a man struggles to save himself and his family from drowning in frigid waters and a female prison officer uses her strength and quick thinking skills to stay alive during the longest prison siege in U.S. history.
Jewish Federation, Alberto, and Tamara
Aired on Dec 15, 2008An ordinary Friday at the Seattle headquarters of the Jewish Federation turns nightmarish when a crazed gunman demands an end to the war in Iraq and shoots four workers.
Christi, Fred, and Marla
Aired on Dec 22, 2008A single mother is kidnapped, stabbed and left for dead by three hardened criminals and her heroic survival is unforgettable while a long-haul truck driver must drive his 40-ton rig through the biggest fire in Utah History.
Jackie, Todd, and Stephanie
Aired on Jan 05, 2009After five ruthless highjackers take control of an EgyptAir flight and begin executing passengers, a woman silently says goodbye to her loved ones when the hijackers pick her to be the next one to die.
Jim and Nell, Jennifer, and Tammi
Aired on Jan 12, 2009A couple hiking in a national park must fight for their lives when they’re attacked by a ferocious mountain lion while a young mother and her cousin are shot by a deranged gunman.
Darren and Chastity, Ryan, Julie
Aired on Jan 19, 2009A family is subjected to a vicious attack during a brutal home invasion, a rail yard worker risks his life to save a town, and a realtor is attacked by a man posing as a client.
Donna, Danelle, Robert, and Ana
Aired on Feb 02, 2009A convenience store worker plays dead to escape her abductor, an athlete faces her greatest challenge ever after falling 60 feet in a remote canyon, and a couple put their lives on the line to protect their children in a home invasion.
Kelly, Rose, Lt. Prescott, and Gwen
Aired on Feb 09, 2009A mother of three survives a prolonged attack from her estranged husband while a newly pregnant woman is horrifically injured when she is caught in a fish processing machine on a boat 160 miles from land.
Sarah, Ellen, and Sherman and Dee Ann
Aired on Feb 16, 2009A heavily pregnant woman is viciously attacked by a woman obsessed with making the unborn child her own while a couple cling to the rafters of their home as Hurricane Ike unleashes its fury on them.