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Season 2 (0)

2 Seasons | 0 Episodes

 13 Twin Tragedy and Family Agony
S 2 E 13

Twin Tragedy and Family Agony

Aired on Dec 13, 2014

As a young boy Brayden begins telling his family details of his Great Uncle’s Murder. When those details don’t match what the authorities told them, the family begins to question whether the real killer is till out there. Mikayla is so afraid when her mother Brenda goes anywhere without her that Brenda is forced to stay close to her daughter to avoid meltdowns. When Mikayla reveals she was a twin and where her fear comes from, everyone is shocked.

 12 Death on the Farm & Parents Who Harm
S 2 E 12

Death on the Farm & Parents Who Harm

Aired on Dec 06, 2014

Aiden’s mother becomes concerned when he tells her about a sister he doesn’t have and a house he has never lived in. But things get even scarier when he reveals he was killed in a past life by the people who were suppose to protect him, his parents. From the time Ryan was a little boy, his parents noticed he was different. He told them he chose them and could see things no one else saw. But when he told them he had a past life where his parents were shot in their bed, the family becomes concerned.

 10 Child of F. Scott and a Toddler Distraught
S 2 E 10

Child of F. Scott and a Toddler Distraught

Aired on Nov 22, 2014

Anissa’s mom thought it was cute when her daughter told her stories about living in a place called New York. But when she began to describe her “past past daddy” as a writer who smoke and drank a lot, her parents became concerned. Two year-old Lexi has been having horrible night terrors, and talks about people burning and a plane being on fire. Left feeling helpless, Lexi’s grandmother began to do research and couldn’t believe what she found.

 9 Killed by a Bomb and Bonfire Gone Wrong
S 2 E 9

Killed by a Bomb and Bonfire Gone Wrong

Aired on Nov 15, 2014

Four year-old Andrew talked to people no one else could see, and told his mother he was killed by a bomb. When Andrew reveals that he used to be a Marine in a past life, his parents are left feeling helpless. Young Jada could never sleep alone at night, and had an irrational fear that something bad was going to happen to her. After becoming hysterical at a festival bonfire, Jada’s mother was shocked when she began revealing detailed memories of her death during the 15th century. Will these parents be able to help their children let go of the memories that continue to haunt them from their past lives?

 7 Unfinished Note and Attack on a Boat
S 2 E 7

Unfinished Note and Attack on a Boat

Aired on Oct 25, 2014

At two years-old, Shane became obsessed with guns and talked about being in the military. Shane’s mother felt helpless as her young son began to reveal details of being a 14 year -old soldier who was killed during a war. Taylor had horrible nightmares and talked about seeing spirits in her bedroom. Her family became increasingly worried as Taylor started to reveal memories of being a man from the 1700s who was killed before he was able to finish writing an important letter. This episode tells the story of two children who have memories of dying way before their time. Will their parents be able to help them take care of the unfinished business from their past, before it’s too late?

 6 Family Drama and Military Trauma
S 2 E 6

Family Drama and Military Trauma

Aired on Oct 18, 2014

When young Noah starts talking and acting like his uncle, his family is shocked–particularly since his uncle died five years before Noah was even born. When Riley starts to share memories of an abusive father who had been injured in a war, his family is left speechless–especially since Riley’s own loving father has never been in the military. Will Noah and Riley ever be able to say goodbye to the families from the past?

 5 Wounded in Battle and Lightning Storm Rattle
S 2 E 5

Wounded in Battle and Lightning Storm Rattle

Aired on Sep 20, 2014

When six-year-old Rylann spoke of bizarre details of dying in a lightning storm and a plane crash, her mother wasn’t sure what to do. Then, she was stunned when she found a horrific plane crash in 1982 that matched all of the details from Rylann’s stories. Young Jessica was tormented by other kids for being different. But when she started talking about fighting a battle in the 1600’s, her mother became really worried. Will these two mothers be able to help their children overcome the trauma from their past lives and finally get their daughters back?

 4 Ancient Flood and Confederate Blood
S 2 E 4

Ancient Flood and Confederate Blood

Aired on Sep 13, 2014

As a toddler, Nick had horrible night terrors and dreamt of being a Civil War soldier. Will he now be able to handle a visit back to the battleground where he lost his life centuries ago? Young Ahna is able to communicate with deceased loved ones, and remembers living in an ancient Egyptian civilization. Will Ahna’s family be able to help her not feel so alone in this modern world? Follow two youngsters on a journey to say goodbye to the past and move forward in the present.

 3 Rockefeller Charms and Brothers in Arms
S 2 E 3

Rockefeller Charms and Brothers in Arms

Aired on Sep 06, 2014

What would you do if your daughter said you were not her mother and believed you had taken her from her real home? How would you feel if your son continuously told you his brother had been killed in a war even though that had never happened? This episode tells the story of two families in crisis whose children cannot let go of past lives they remember living.

 2 A Soldier & A Screenwriter
S 2 E 2

A Soldier & A Screenwriter

Aired on Nov 23, 2012

Night after night, two year-old Eric would wake up screaming from a horrific dream about being crushed to death. However it was Eric’s obsession with Hollywood that escalated to the point where they had to lock the doors so that four year-old Eric wouldn’t run away to Hollywood. They are desperately trying to discover how to help Eric find closure so that he can have his childhood back, and be a kid again. As soon as Elijah could speak, he told horrific stories of war. As a toddler Elijah took cover when he heard loud noises as if he was a soldier in combat. In a shocking turn of events Elijah inexplicably began speaking German in front of his family. However, could Elijah’s past experience as a soldier help his father survive after being deployed to Iraq?

 2 The Wild West and Tribal Quest
S 2 E 2

The Wild West and Tribal Quest

Aired on Aug 30, 2014

At only 5 years of age, Olivia graphically describes her pioneer family living with Native Americans and ultimately being murdered. Across the country, Auguste vividly recalls a tribal rite of passage and displays expertise and knowledge of ancient weapons. This episode follows the intense experience of two families struggling to understand their children’s past life memories.

 1 Plane Crash and Sacred Ash
S 2 E 1

Plane Crash and Sacred Ash

Aired on Aug 16, 2014

What would you do if your daughter remembered being inside the Empire State Building when a plane crashed into it, or if your son suffered night terrors from memories of the massacre of Native Americans? This episode takes you on this journey with two different families from entirely different backgrounds, but what they both have in common is that their children have been affected by traumatic lives they lived before.

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